Upcoming Worship Services
March 9 – “Our Community of Trust and Hope”
This service is a celebration of YOU and the community we create together. It marks the kickoff of our annual pledge campaign with the theme, “What Namaqua Means to Me.” Join Rev. Dana, Tam Paquette as our Worship Associate, and other guest speakers. The service will also feature the choir with Ryan and slp, bringing more amazing music.
Don’t forget-this Sunday is also the time change, so leap forward into
our community of trust and hope!
March 16 – “Why We Can Trust in Love: Wisdom from the Eastern Traditions”
Join Janen Wright and members of our Mindfulness Group to explore what love can teach us about ourselves and the Universe.
March 23 – “Trusting Our Compass Heading”
We are each hiking our own spiritual path-exciting, self-determined, and guided by the trust we place in our own inner voice’s compass heading. Best of all, we are learning to trust one another as spiritual beings, living the dream we collectively envision. Not only do we “not do it alone,” but experiencing this miraculous journey together makes life richer, more peaceful, and deeply inspiring. Worship Associates Tam Paquette and Doug Stewart will speak on building profound trust in our own compass, in one another’s, and in co-creating a vision for our future together.
March 30 – “Trust Life”
Our theme of the month is “Trust.” Turns of events shake our sense of trust again and again. Aspects of life that seemed solid and would never change are suddenly gone. What is it that we can trust when we seem to experience betrayal around every corner? Remembering the value of trust, even with life the way it is, is a gift that changes everything. Join Rev. Dana, Debbie Gentry as Worship Associate, and the NUUC Choir with Ryan and slp for this service about trust.
Zoom will be our main video conferencing platform for viewing virtual Sunday services.
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