Holidays and Traditions
We offer several special services throughout the year.
During our “Decades” service in January selected members from several different generations (decades) respond to the query from a Mary Oliver poem, “What will you do with your one, wild and precious life?”
A special service on Easter Sunday considers the themes of renewal and new life.

In May, the Flower Communion service, honors the Unitarian Universalist tradition as each member brings an individual flower, creating a community bouquet. In celebration of unity and connection with the natural world, we end the service with each person taking home a different flower than the one they brought.
Throughout the summer, we have three to four services outdoors in nearby parks.
We celebrate the Summer Solstice in June in a special service and/or a church-wide celebration in a member’s home.
During the Water Communion in September, members and friends bring water (symbolic or actual) from summer travels and pour it into a communal bowl. Each person tells a brief story of the water’s origin and why it has special meaning in their lives.

Dia de los Muertos in October is an intergenerational service during which deceased loved ones are honored with an altar of photos or mementos.
A candlelight service with carols celebrates Christmas Eve.

The Winter Solstice service is observed in December with a wreath ceremony and calling the directions during the service and a church-wide potluck on the night of the solstice.
A meditative Taize-style service marks the Sunday after Christmas.