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Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation

745 E 5th Street
Loveland, Colorado 80537


Connect with Us

Join us for Sunday Service at 10:00am

Choir Rehearsal

Hey singers – Let’s come together and make some music! We are a casual and fun choral community that welcomes all interested. No audition is necessary, just an enthusiasm for music. All are welcome! Rehearsals will take place in the Sanctuary.

Open Mic Night

Namaqua hosts our own Open Mic Night! Come one, come all - musicians, poets, comedians, actors, dancers, storytellers, jugglers - anyone with something to share or who wants to be part of a supportive audience is welcome.

Exploring Membership

Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation 745 E 5th St, Loveland, United States

Curious about Membership? Join Rev. Dana and the Membership Ministry for our Exploring Membership class to share your story, discover ways to be involved, and learn more about the UU denomination and Namaqua in particular. We would love to have you become a member with us! Our gathering will take place in Parker Hall (the … Continue reading Exploring Membership

Worship Service – “What Love Looks Like” – Rev. Dana Lightsey

Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation 745 E 5th St, Loveland, United States

All year long, and since the beginning of NUUC, you - dear members and friends - have created and re-created this congregation with your gifts of time, talent, and treasure. You are the leaders and the worker bees. You give to others and you receive. Today, we celebrate each of you and all the ways … Continue reading Worship Service – “What Love Looks Like” – Rev. Dana Lightsey

Getting to Know UU

Newcomers are invited to join us for Getting to Know UU, an opportunity to learn more about Namaqua and Unitarian Universalism. This event takes place on the 3rd Sunday of each month after the service in Rev. Dana's office. Bring your questions!

Congregational Meeting

Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation 745 E 5th St, Loveland, United States

Online Mindfulness & Meditation

A typical session includes a guided meditation, counsel from various Awakened teachers (through the media), and a lively discussion.   We will meet in Zoom Room #2. Please click here to join. 

Virtual Social Sisterhood

The social sisterhood aims to create a virtual space for church women to connect bi-monthly, transcending geographical boundaries. Participants join from various locations, engaging in heartfelt conversations about their lives. There’s no set agenda, there’s no membership. It’s an inclusive forum for women to connect, fostering dialogue, and sharing ideas—ideal for newcomers or long-time members … Continue reading Virtual Social Sisterhood

Worship Service – “Love At the Center” with guest Rev. Ruth Rinehart

Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation 745 E 5th St, Loveland, United States

Our new UU Shared Values state that Love is at the center of who we say we are and how we show up in the world. What does that mean for us, and how are we challenged to live into this statement? Join our guest UU minister, Rev. Ruth Rinehart, for an exploration of Love … Continue reading Worship Service – “Love At the Center” with guest Rev. Ruth Rinehart

Hosting a Special Event?

If you have a special event you’d like to host, please fill out this form so we can get it on the calendar and help spread the word!

Click here for the Event Submission Form