Dear Namaqua Family,

What a gift we have in Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation: a place where we gather together to worship, work and play! As Namaquans, we are fortunate to not only be an audience on Sundays, but also to be the decision makers and driving force in deciding the direction our community is headed in the coming year. We bring vibrant, diverse experiences and a spirit united in support of our values and mission.

In our last Congregational Meeting, we voted overwhelmingly to keep staffing at the current levels. We then put a punctuation mark on the vote when 15 people showed up for the fundraising committee meeting to contribute energy, ideas, and enthusiasm. The first mission: a Mighty Campaign!

The time has come…. Namaqua’s Pledge Campaign for 2025-2026 kicks off at the March 9th service. Throughout the campaign, we will reflect on the theme “What Namaqua Means to Me.” We will celebrate all the ways you share your time, talent and treasure to create and sustain Namaqua UU and ask you to once again renew and even raise your financial commitment and support.

By sharing with one another WHY we want to give, we learn from each other, foster new friendships, and build trust in our future together – and with people we have not yet met. We need each other and the world needs Namaqua during the coming year. Namaqua needs you.

If you have questions about the Pledge Drive, please feel free to contact Co-Chairs Tam Paquette at or (239) 601-4200 Kathy Spoon at